Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Decennial Dalek

There was a lot of procrastinating about the Dalek. The students voted to have a Dalek, and my year 10 class especially liked to ask where the Dalek was.

One of them in particular.

"Miss, look at the wall. What do you see?"
*I hang my head in mock shame*
"Because I'll tell you what I DON'T see! A Dalek!!!"

So I decided to name the Dalek in his honour.

We all agreed that "memorial" was inappropriate, but had trouble working out a better term. So since he was completing year 10, we went with "Decennial" for, I understand, a 10th anniversary. He was pretty happy with the honour.

Donald is now over beside the Pencil Pal, to make room for the Dalek.

And Stitch remains in his old spot, pretty much. One of my year 7 students wrote up that tip, and I had to ammend it on instruction from a year 11. Although he did say you only appear to have more mass, to an observer. And less height or something. "So travelling very fast in space you appear shorter and fatter?" "Yes." I'll take his word for it.

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