Saturday, 18 August 2012

Not-really-Frayer Models

I was introduced at a Professional Learning day to the Frayer Model. I got my year 10 students to do it for Congruent and Similar Triangles one day when I was away, so I don't know how successful that was.

Then on Pinterest I saw some great examples with a "Number of the Day" in the centre and different information about the number around the outside. I really liked them. No longer a Frayer Model, I don't know what to call it, possibly a concept map?

I've been using some variations with different classes. I'll have to mark some books in order to get some photos, but here is one from Extension 1 (a student's work) and one from Extension 2 (me jotting down some answers to check theirs as they go):

I've really enjoyed this idea with the seniors. They seemed keen too, and I think when I teach Extension 2 next year I will regularly use this type of this to keep previous topics fresh in their minds as we move on and review prerequisite knowledge at the start of new topics.

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