I first adapted this to become "Graphical Consequences", which I played last year with My Lovely Year 10s when finishing up a unit on graphs. I started the pieces of paper off with an equation, which they had to sketch and so on. They made lots of mistakes but loved it.
I have since tried equations/solutions, expanding/factorising, equivalent fractions, and simple question/answer versions, with that class again and this year with year 7. I love that this game gets everyone involved together, and that you get to sit on the floor.
Other ideas (I'm sure there are many many many more that would work):
- inequalities/solutions
- inequality/graph on the number line
- coordinates/point on the number line
- integration/differentiation
- decimal/fraction/percentage
- index notation/expanded notation
- basic numeral/expanded notation
- convert between Hindu-Arabic/Roman Numerals/Egyptian Numerals/any other system
- Trig - between exact values and expressions
- Simplifying surds